Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day's Worth

Sitting alone at the set of the day ,

I do think how soon it passed away.

It was now that was it born,

With the twilight all along,

Rattling birds are all very gone.

Cant it stay for a while along.............

Sitting alone at the set of the day,

I do think what worth was it by the way.

What was it which was done,

In this span of morn to dawn.

Blooming blossoms are all faded gone,

Cant it stay for a while along...........


  1. Nice thought I must say... but certain lines do reflect the religiously rhyming nature of the poem... can be better... but was again wonderful with the soft touching words... :)

  2. Nice one............but ya no need to rhyme........still its sweet.........

  3. Sweet... creative thought.....

  4. you have thoughts soo deep that i never know . nicec one .
